Pressed seaweed juice - a new "breeze" of drinks in Vietnam


When the market for naturally good drinks for the health of the elderly has not yet been fully explored, the appearance of products extracted from cartilage seaweed and Fansipan ginseng of Long Hai Co., Ltd. immediately attracted great attention.  

Drinks for the elderly: Great potential

Vietnam's population is entering the aging phase at a rapid pace. In 2011, the number of people over 60 years old in our country accounted for only 9.9%, but by 2018 this number increased to 11.95%. It is forecasted that Vietnam will become a country with an aging population by 2038 with the proportion of people aged 60 and over reaching over 20%. By 2049, the proportion of elderly people will account for about 25% of the population, that is, one elderly person for every four people.

The rapid increase in the number of elderly people makes the demand for elderly care products and services increasing, but businesses seem to be quite indifferent to this segment.

The number of elderly people is increasing rapidly, causing the demand for elderly care products and services to increase - Illustration: Internet


Going into supermarkets and stores, you can easily see shelves of food and nutritional products specifically for children such as milk, cereal, candy, snacks, nutritional drinks... However, the number of such products for the elderly is not much. According to a representative of Kantar Worldpanel Market Research Company, the number of products and brands for the elderly customer group to meet nutritional and health needs can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

While older people are facing many health problems, with a stable income, high health awareness and lots of time to take care of themselves, they are a promising and potential consumer group. brings high profits to food manufacturers.


Long Hai explores the market with good natural drinks

Sharing about this issue, Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh - Chairman of the Board of Members of Long Hai Co., Ltd. said that Vietnam's beverage market is constantly growing with a value of 7 billion USD/year but is dominated by carbonated beverage products and beverages using flavorings. According to Mr. Thanh, in the long term, the use of these beverage products is not good for health, and can even cause some diseases such as obesity, diseases related to the liver, kidneys, and heart. ..., especially when the current Vietnamese beverage market does not have many products for middle-aged and elderly people.

Inspired by that concern, Long Hai Co., Ltd. determined to research and launch two organic beverage products, Catalia and Kamila, extracted from natural foods. Besides Kamila's pressed seaweed juice, which is a combination of natural seaweed essence and the juice of passion fruit, passion fruit and aloe vera, targeting the teenage customer group, Catalia pressed seaweed juice is combined. between natural seaweed essence and ginseng essence Fansipan serves the elderly customer group - a market segment that has been almost left open in recent years.

Aimed at being a healthy product for the elderly, Long Hai's pressed seaweed juice is produced on a modern technological line with ingredients taken entirely from nature. The main ingredient of the product is seaweed grown mainly in the South Central provinces of Vietnam. Besides, Fansipan ginseng is harvested only from 02 communes Y Ty and Ngai Thau in Bat Xat district, Lao Cai province (where has the best quality Fansipan ginseng), passion fruit and some other foods grown in Hai Duong. All of these materials are produced according to VietGap standards. In particular, Long Hai Company invested 10 million USD to build a completely new factory with the most modern, closed production line in Vietnam to produce products.

The pressed seaweed water factory has come into full operation with a capacity of 24,000 bottles/hour, with a total investment of more than 10 million USD.


Fansipan seaweed and ginseng contain high levels of vitamins and minerals such as: Potassium, Sodium, Manganese, iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin B, Vitamin A which are very good for the body. Juice products retain nutrients and are free of additives and fat, making them even more suitable for the elderly.

Nowadays, when the trend of choosing healthy drinks is becoming more and more popular, safe drinks with clear origin, especially products produced with modern technology that meet quality standards, are becoming more and more popular. , has a guaranteed source of raw materials that many people trust and choose. Grasping the development trend of the food industry for the elderly, focusing strong investment resources, Long Hai is showing the right steps to affirm its brand and dominate the market.