Long Hai jelly inaugurated a seaweed water factory


Long Hai jelly is pleased to announce to many customers that on December 5, 2019, Long Hai officially inaugurated a seaweed juice factory with extremely large scale and capacity to meet the trust and love of customers. of our customers for the past 20 years. Production line capacity is up to 24,000 bottles/hour

2 types of bottled water: Catalia and Kamila have been launched on the market and received a lot of love and excellent reviews from customers.

Long Hai jelly promises to make more efforts to provide the market with many quality products.

Production line capacity is up to 24,000 bottles/hour

Currently, Long Hai jelly has 02 brands of seaweed juice:

- Catalia brand Fansipan Ginseng flavor

- Kamila brand Passion Fruit and Bon Bon flavors